Funded positions will be advertised here when available and on the University website. We are always open to informal enquiries from highly motivated students and postdocs with an interest in:
Natural product biosynthesis and applications
Fungal biotechnology
Fungal genetics
Metabolomics & Bioinformatics
MSc final-year student
The group usually hosts final-year projects in microbiology, biotechnology and natural products. Interested students are invited to contact Claudio about potential projects.
Summer placements and Year in Industry
Students interested in pursuing a summer placement or Year in Industry within the group are advised to contact Claudio early in the academic year to arrange suitable funding.
PhD applicants
Funded positions will be advertised when available. Prospective UK and International applicants should contact Claudio with CV and motivation statement. For more information, check the Swansea University page, PhD overview requirements and research scholarships available.
Postdoctoral applicants
Applicants interested in independent funding should contact Claudio well before their anticipated start date and indicate which fellowships they plan to apply for. They should include a CV, a short motivation statement and the contact information of three references. Outstanding candidates will receive assistance with fellowship applications.